Prevention Tips and Information
Understanding the Grooming Process
In most cases of sexual misconduct with children, offenders use a subtle and gradual process known as grooming to put children and their families at ease. Grooming is typically done over weeks, months or years to slowly lure and manipulate children into abuse.
TIPS for Safeguarding your Children
The nationally acclaimed Think First & Stay Safe™ School Program recommends the following safety tips to help preserve your child’s personal safety. Consider familiarizing yourself with these tips and reviewing them regularly with your child.For more information click below.
Healthy Childhood Sexual Development
As parents, we are often caught off guard when our children show sexual behaviors. Is this healthy sexual development? How do I talk with my child? What are signs of unhealthy sexual behaviors and possible problems? Click below to learn more information on how to recognize and talk with your child.
Conversation Starters for Parents
Sometimes, the hardest part about talking to your kids about safety is just learning how to get the conversation going! Here are some simple tips and helpful ways to help you get the conversation going with your kids!