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Education and Prevention


Stewards of Children

Stewards of Children is a research-based video training that educates parents, adults, and caregivers on how to prevent, recognize, and respond appropriately to child sexual abuse through the 5 steps. Each participant receives an interactive workbook. For more information, visit

2 1/2  Hours    Available in Spanish  



Talking with Children about Safety and Sexual Abuse

Having age-appropriate, open conversations about our bodies, sex, and boundaries is an important step in protecting children. People who sexually abuse children specifically target children who don't have the skills to talk about it. They use this lack of knowledge to keep them silent, shamed, and compliant. Talking about personal safety and sex creates a protective bond between parent and child, increases confidence for both, and instills knowledge that makes children and teens much less vulnerable. Other adults in the child’s life can find creative ways to teach body safety as well.                     

60 minutes FREE       Available in Spanish



Healthy Touch for Children and Youth

The strongest advocate a child has is YOU!  This class will cover having age-appropriate, open conversations about boundaries, healthy touch, and respectful ways to interact with children. These are all important steps to build meaningful relationships to protect our children. Knowing about child sexual abuse makes us more mindful and empowers children.

60 minutes FREE       Available in Spanish



Bystanders Protecting Children

Rarely will we catch someone in the act of abusing a child, but we may see boundary violations or interactions between adult and child that may raise concern. In this class learn how you can actively prevent abuse. Learn how children are groomed by someone they love or trust and how you can set and enforce healthy boundaries to protect them.

60 minutes FREE         Available in Spanish



Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children

Did you know that 90% of trafficked individuals have a history of being sexually abused? Child sex trafficking in our country is real. In this class, learn about the root cause of sex trafficking and why preventing sexual abuse is important for reducing the risk of children being sexually exploited. 

60 minutes FREE           Available in Spanish



Mandatory Reporter Training

Do you know what to do if you suspect child abuse? Often, people are reluctant to report child abuse allegations because they are unsure of the law. In 2023, Arizona had 7,120 children who were victims of child abuse in Arizona (NCA National Statistics Report 2023). Does it make you wonder how many more children could have been protected if everyone knew what to do?

This training will teach you what, who, when, and how to report suspected child abuse by following the Maricopa County Multidisciplinary Protocol for the Investigation of Child Abuse and ARS 13-3620. Parents, grandparents, foster parents, educators, faith-based leaders, youth-serving organizations, and childcare providers will increase their confidence in reporting suspected child abuse.

60 Minutes FREE



In a Digital World 101: Technology and Addiction

Did you know that the notifications we receive from social media, gaming, or friendly messages trigger the release of dopamine in our brains, making us crave more? It's no wonder we find ourselves constantly glued to our screens. However, it's important to realize that technology addiction is a real issue that can have serious consequences. That's why it's crucial to have conversations with our loved ones about moderation and balance. Enroll in this class to learn the science behind technology addiction and how to promote healthy habits in your family.

90 Minutes FREE



In a Digital World 201: Technology and the Law (AZ)

This FREE training will discuss Arizona laws related to electronic communication devices and the impact of frequent exposure to explicit content on our children's perceptions. This is a critical topic that all parents, grandparents, foster parents, educators, faith-based leaders, youth-serving organizations, and childcare providers must know. By attending this training, you will gain practical strategies to talk with your children and ensure their safety in the digital world. 

90 Minutes FREE



In a Digital World 301: Technology and Relationships

In today's digital age, our kids can struggle to form meaningful and trustworthy connections. With the increasing use of social media, it can be challenging for them to develop interpersonal and communication skills. But don't worry, Digital World 301 is here to help!

We are excited to offer a free class to help you teach your family how to set healthy digital boundaries and identify cyberbullying. By attending this class, you'll learn how to improve communication skills and keep your family safe. As parents, we recognize the importance of fostering strong relationships with our children to ensure their safety and well-being. We encourage children aged 12 and above to attend this class alongside their parents or guardians. When families engage in open conversations and share a common understanding of online risks, it strengthens their bond and protects them from potential dangers on the internet.

90 Minutes FREE



In a Digital World 401: Technology and Apps

Did you know there are over 6.5 million apps available? Also, people can track you through the pictures you post. In Class 401, we will discuss which apps parents must be aware of, how their children can hide images, messages, and videos on their phones, and other red flags that we must be mindful of to keep our families safe. This is a topic that all parents, grandparents, foster parents, educators, faith-based leaders, youth-serving organizations, and childcare providers must know. By attending this workshop, you will learn practical strategies to talk with your children about this sensitive topic and ensure their safety in the digital world.

90 Minutes FREE



Healthy Relationships 101/201: Understanding Relationships

Are you feeling "unsure" about your relationships, feeling it's more give than receive? Does a safe and meaningful relationship built on trust and respect appeal to you? In this class, you will discover the characteristics of balanced relationships, identify the difference between covert and overt abuse, recognize the cycle of abuse, and explore the power of respectful communication.
This class is perfect for anyone in a relationship, who has ended a relationship, is looking for a relationship, or maybe is a little nervous about their first relationship. Parents, if your teenager is dating, encourage them to take this class with you.

90 Minutes FREE



Healthy Relationships 301: Boundaries and Codependency

Our relationships can be compared to jigsaw puzzles, where we intertwine our complex personality "pieces" with others. However, unlike jigsaw puzzles, relationships don't have a picture on the front of a box to show how they're supposed to look. A healthy and interdependent relationship can thrive when everyone understands and mutually accepts the qualities each person brings to the relationship.

This class is highly recommended for anyone in a relationship, who has recently ended a relationship, is looking for a relationship, or may feel anxious about their first relationship. Parent are encouraged to take this class with their teenager, whether they're dating or not.

90 Minutes FREE



Healthy Relationships 401: How Trauma Impacts Our Relationships

If you have completed the Healthy Relationship 301 class, you know how different aspects of our lives shape who we are. In Healthy Relationships 401: Trauma and Our Relationships, we will delve deeper into how traumatic experiences during childhood can negatively impact our mental, physical, and emotional health as adults, specifically in the context of our relationships. The course material is based on the Adverse Childhood Experience Study (ACEs) conducted by Dr. Felitti and Dr. Anda.

90 Minutes FREE


Bringing the Protective Factors Framework to Life

This seven-course training is designed to guide learners through a strengths-based approach to working with families. The curriculum is grounded in the research-informed Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework created by the Center for the Study of Social Policy. The goals of the framework are Strengthening Families, Promoting Optimal Child Development, and Reducing the Likelihood of Child Abuse and Neglect. 90 - 120 Minutes per Course FREE

Course #1: The Strengths-Based Approach

Course #2: Parent Resilience

Course #3: Social Connections

Course #4: Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development

Course #5: Concrete Support in the Time of Need

Course #6: Social and Emotional Competence of Children

Course #7: Moving Knowledge to Action


The Role of the Advocacy Center in the Community

The presenter will discuss the role of the Advocacy Center, the Multi-disciplinary Team, the social and economic impact of child abuse, statistics, and available prevention education opportunities.  Speaking engagements can be designed for educational institutions, businesses, faith-based groups, organizations, and clubs.

30-60 minutes FREE



Trauma and the ACE Study: Understanding and Responding to Childhood Adversity

Do you know your students' ACE scores? Children who have experienced childhood trauma may exhibit behavior issues, learning difficulties, or social anxiety. This professional development course will explore how Adverse Childhood Experiences or ACEs affect children's physical, mental, emotional, and cognitive well-being, often leading to academic and social challenges in school. Participants will learn why building a trauma-informed culture that fosters professional relationships and developmentally appropriate resistance can empower children to be resilient.

This course is open to everyone who works with or cares for children, including teachers, social workers, school psychologists, administrators, and superintendents at all academic levels. We highly encourage professionals to take advantage of this free training opportunity by bringing it to your organization to help empower children and build a brighter future for all.

  Click here to learn more about the ACE Study.

120 Minutes FREE


Interested in attending trainings and workshops or bring them to your school, business or organization? 


Contact the

Prevention Coordinator at 623.333.7942

or email

"Law Enforcement is never going to investigate their way out of these crimes, these crimes against children, it is only through prevention that we can help stem the tide."

Detective Richard Love

Ft. Lauderdale Police Department

FBI Crimes Against Children

Addiction to Technology

- Simon Sinek

How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime

- Nadine Burke Harris

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