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Putting the Needs of Victims First​

The Southwest Family Advocacy Center is a child and family-focused facility where professionals in law enforcement, child protection, prosecution, mental health, medical, and victim advocacy work together during the investigation, treatment, management, and prosecution of child abuse cases, sexual assault, domestic violence and elder abuse cases.


The Southwest Family Advocacy Center is dedicated to reducing the stress and trauma of victims by:


  • Ensuring victims are treated with respect and dignity throughout the investigative process.

  • Performing forensic interviews and medical exams in a friendly and safe environment.


  •  Assisting victims and their families by providing therapy and advocacy services.

Why we do what we do

"Every child needs a hero...every hero needs a C.A.P.E."

Register for  our 6th Annual Superhero 5K
April 13

Register for  our 6th Annual Superhero 5K
April 13

Register for  our 6th Annual Superhero 5K
April 13


The majority of child abuse cases come from situations that are preventable. Trauma that children encounter, when not addressed, will manifest into health and lifestyle issues later on in life. Check out the "What is your ACE Score?" below to learn more about the research behind childhood trauma.

Why Counseling?

Working with a trauma trained counselor to address the effects of a trauma can be a confusing and frightening task to begin. Whether the events occurred in childhood, five years ago, or last week, the impact of these troubling situations is not something we are taught how to resolve. 

To continue reading  "Why Counseling" CLICK HERE. 


Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are traumatic events, including physical or sexual abuse, neglect, or witness to violence. ACEs are strongly related to a wide range of health problems, including substance abuse, depression, and heart disease.


There are 10 types of childhood trauma measured in the ACE Study. Five are personal — physical abuse, verbal abuse, sexual abuse, physical neglect, and emotional neglect. Click here to take the ACE test.




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